Posted in Chit Chat

All in Good Time

“Do or do not, there is no try.”

Well, no offense to Master Yoda, but the ‘trying’ can be a challenge in and of itself. And as long as you keep on trying, this very act is accomplishing something vitally important, in that, you’re steadfastly not giving up nor admitting failure.

Now, as for myself, I am fully committed to achieving my goals, have the conviction to succeed, and faith in my own ability; while also being able to honestly and fearlessly, recognize and acknowledge my own limitations.

Maybe some of you will know what I mean when I say that I spend too much time inside my head thinking, rather than just ‘doing’; which in my case is – getting my creativity on, so to speak. We’re our own worse enemy, are we not?

Setting goals is most assuredly important, but what if you do happen to ‘fail’ in meeting those lofty goals you’ve set for yourself? That can be incredibly disheartening, and cause you to second guess yourself, or worse, feel like giving up. But I, dear Yoda, will not. I shall keep ‘trying’; invariably ‘to do.’

And so, I have set myself new (and improved) goals, accepted what’s done is done, and decided quite defiantly, I WILL achieve that which I’m determined to accomplish…

All in Good Time.