Posted in Announcements, Competitions

Goodreads Choice Awards – 2019

Greetings, my bookish friends!

Today I received an email letting me know about Goodreads “Best Book” Choice Awards 2019!

I think you may be able to tell where I’m going with this. 😉

Right … So, if you happen to have bought and read my book and think it’s pretty awesome, if you would be so kind, please visit *Goodreads’ site via the link above. Once there, search for the ‘Poetry’ category. You will then be directed to a list of nominated poetry books which you can vote for. However … at the very bottom of the page, you should find a little box where you have the option to “write in” a nomination. There, you can put in my book’s title, irregardless, and cast your vote! Then, please also share your nomination via Facebook and Twitter, to further help spread the word.

Truly, you’ll have my undying gratitude! And maybe there’ll be cookies. But I can’t promise anything. 😛


*(you may need to sign-up for, or sign-in to your Goodreads account, in order to be able to see that little ‘write in’ box)

#GoodreadsChoice #poetry #JanineRiker #irregardless #author #selfpub #j9ink #Goodreads #GoodreadsChoiceAwards2019

Posted in Inspirations

My B-Movie Blogging Challenge Entry

Happy Sunday!

So, a blog I follow, Fractured Faith Blog, posted a really cool and fun little challenge – read about it here:

B Movie Blogging Challenge

Of course, I’m going to participate. How could I not?

What follows, is my entry. And, once again, even it is not chosen, I shall include this ‘short story’ (of sorts) in the book I’m putting together with other such “tiny tales.” Enjoy!

* * *

“The Naughty Wanderer from National Security”

He was just a man. A man working a job. Sure it wasn’t your basic ‘9-to-5er,’ but it paid the bills.

Then one day it all got to be too much – too many citizens-turned-terrorist, too many senseless almost bombings, too many good people gone bad – too much, too much.

And so … he just walked away. Didn’t even pack up his desk. Just left it as is. There wasn’t much of his stuff, of himself and who he was, there anyway. He preferred to keep his real life separate from this place, from his work.

Without a word to anyone, he walked to the elevator, took it down to the main floor, flashed his badge to leave, and exited the building. Never to look back.

See, that wasn’t exactly prescribed protocol. Wasn’t how it was supposed to be done. Not quite. “Well,” he thought to himself, “that was just too damn bad.”

And as he stood there on the cold hard sidewalk, gazing about at all the people coming and going, clueless in their certainty of ‘what was,’ he considered – what to do from here? There were options. Other jobs, for one. Places he hadn’t yet been. Friends to make he didn’t have. Maybe even a real life to be made, with a wife, and kids. Then again, maybe not. He knew first-hand the type of world he lived in, and the unseen dangers which lurked around every corner.

Not being one to overthink anything, he began walking, around the corner of the building he’d worked at for eight long years. And just kept right on walking.

Sure, they’d probably come after him. If nothing less than to ask why. Why? The why should be self-explanatory. What they all did there, their assigned duties, hardly seemed to make a difference. Most days it seemed as though the bad guys were winning. But then, if they didn’t do their jobs, if they didn’t push back against those same bad guys, weren’t they failing those whom they were sworn to protect?

It didn’t matter anymore, at least that’s what he told himself as he rounded yet another corner.

Maybe, it was time to switch sides. Or, simply appear to.

And as he passed by a face he recognized, recognized from a wall of such people he’d been staring at for years, someone who had no idea who he was; he smiled. A slow, sly, knowing smile. Pivoting lithely on one foot, he resumed his walk, following that face. Pursuing a different course, altering the direction of his life, becoming a wanderer in a new, and ever-changing landscape of possibility.

Posted in Contests

Prose Writing Prompt Challenge

Hello, hello!

As you know, I enjoy entering ‘legit’ writing competitions. While this isn’t something I do all the time, when a writing challenge comes along that I find worthwhile and fun, I go for it.

I happened upon two of these several weeks ago, and have already posted about one of the competitions I’d entered. I’m still waiting to hear back if I’ve won the 2020 Dogwood Literary Award for poetry and the $1000 prize that goes with it (::fingers crossed::), or if any of my entry poems were selected to be included in Dogwood’s journal publication (::toes crossed, too::). 😉

The other competition I just entered a couple days ago, was a contest involving a writing prompt. ‘Prose’ holds a month-long writing challenge every month, along with various other challenges, some created by members of their creative community. The writing prompt for September was – ‘The Tables, Turned. You (or your character) awaken to find your gender has been reversed. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.’ $100 prize for this one.

Instead of submitting poetry, this time, I wrote a short-story entitled, “Surprise! You’re a mother, father… uhm…” Even if ‘Prose’ doesn’t choose my submission, I will be including this story in an upcoming book of short-stories I’m slowly, and painstakingly, putting together; as inspiration strikes. 🙂

Posted in Contests

Dogwood Poetry Entry


Something I really enjoy is entering writing competitions. Yesterday, I submitted three poems to, Dogwood: A Journal of Poetry and Prose.

From the site: “The best story, poem, and work of nonfiction will each receive $1,000 and publication in Dogwood’s 2020 issue.  All finalists are also offered publication.  Submissions close September 5th.”

While it would be awesome to win, in all honesty, it’s just fun for me to participate in these types of opportunities; to challenge myself, and at times, try something new.

Still … fingers crossed. 😉

Posted in Announcements, Chit Chat

Finally Published!

After years of procrastination, non-writer’s block “blockages,” dry spells of inspiration, struggles with depression and self-doubt, all coupled with a severe lack of ambition, the moment is finally here.
My first book has been published! About damn time, Janine.

So what was I busy doing leading up to now?

Well … way back in the fall of 2011, when I’d originally decided to seriously begin writing, I began diligently working on researching publishing info and how best to use social media to promote yourself and your ‘brand.’ Then, I went about creating various social media accounts, email addresses, blogs, etc., as well as, doing some preliminary story-building.

Only, I defeated myself before accomplishing much more than laying the groundwork, which, as it turns out, wasn’t all for nothing, and has proven to be beneficial going forward.

See, just writing ‘the book’ isn’t all the work you need to do when you’re an indie author who’s self-publishing their own material. There’s so much more to it. Always more needing doing.

And so, here we are!

I cannot put into words (ironic, no?) how turning all that inspired effort, into actual, practical, tangible proof of my hard work, truly feels. Seeing my book for sale online, holding a print copy in my hands, and ultimately being able to share it with you, is simply … humbling.

Staying an Extra Fortnight at Camp …


Achievement unlocked! I’ve reached my writing goal of fifty pages, or rather, 50 poems during the month of April as part of Camp NaNoWriMo.

However, I’m nowhere near finished yet. There are more poems to write, and much work to do, to get this book of poetry organized, edited, and ready to publish.

In the meantime, I’ll just keep on writing, and if more poems happen, then so be it!


Posted in Contests

My First Haiku


This was my first attempt writing a Haiku poem. I found it to be somewhat challenging, yet quite enjoyable, too. Of course, being me, I did a bit of research before just jumping in with both feet and going for it.

The contest runs from April 17th – April 25th, with the winner being announced on April 26th, 2019.

IngramSpark Haiku Poetry Contest